Friends of Magdalen Green was formed to protect and enhance Magdalen Green, Dundee. It arose from local concerns that this lovely parkland was being damaged by car parking, vandalism and litter and also that its facilities were being underused. The association was formally constituted by a large group of local residents at a public meeting in Dundee on 16 May 2007. Local councillors, Dundee City Council and the West End community have all been very supportive in helping to establish FoMG, and in backing our campaign issues.
Aims and Objectives
We are a small charity, run by volunteers and overseen by OSCR. Our
charity registration is SCO 39603.
Many thanks to the City Council for installing our information board beside the bandstand.
Our thanks as ever to all who contributed to the fundraising, and made the lovely day when Pat Orr cut the ribbon on the newly renovated bandstand possible.