Thanks to all, especially the new faces, who attended the meeting on Tuesday It was an illuminating afternoon! We are gathering all your questions and concerns to send to D.C.C., but if you have any others, please email us at

West End Community Council have an online meeting at 7pm on Tuesday, 11th of October, further details on their Facebook page. If you wish, or cannot participate on Teams, you can submit questions to them by email to, or by post (or by hand) to WECC, c/o Blackness Library, 225 Perth Road, Dundee DD2 1EJ.

We need a new footbridge on Magdalen Green.

Did you do the online survey? Did you attend the community engagement event on the bandstand on the 10th of August? Friends of Magdalen Green invite you to a meeting on Tuesday, 4th of October, at Blackness Library at 3.30 pm, to discuss the proposals from Dundee City Council.

Magdalen Green Footbridge

Dundee City Council are carrying out public engagement on the replacement of the footbridge on Magdalen Green – and they want your views. If you use the bridge or Green on a regular or occasional basis, the Council are interested in hearing what you think about the current bridge, how you use Magdalen Green, and what you’d like to see in the future. Fill out the online engagement survey here:


For more information or an alternative format of the survey, please contact: EMAIL Phone 0141 352 2363.

Come along to the drop-in event on the 10th of August, 5pm to 8pm at the Bandstand – all welcome!

Thank you!

Our soup and pudding on Saturday, 26th of February, was a great success, raising £1000! We would like to say thank you to, Just Bee for their help in making it possible, all who attended – it was wonderful to see you all after such a long time! – and those who stayed on for the AGM.

HUGE thanks to the following for making our raffle the most successful one we have ever had;

Milas, Mary’s Kitchen, West End Butcher, Discover Beauty, Taypark House, Cafe Sicilia , Casa, Sunny’s , Benjamin Barker, Lost Orchard Cider, and several individuals! (Apologies if I have missed anyone).

We are already thinking of our next event, and hope that you will all join us again.

Soup and Pudding Lunch

We are pleased to announce the return of our renowned soup and pudding lunch this Saturday, 26th February, 11.30am to 1.30pm, at Meadowside St. Paul’s (side entrance).Tickets are £5, from any committee member or pay at the door. We have our craft and home baking stalls, as always, and our most exciting raffle ever! Prizes include a £50 voucher from Milas, and Deluxe Afternoon Tea for two at Mary’s Kitchen, to name just two. Come along and get your raffle tickets early!

We will also hold our AGM at 1.45pm, entry free.